Information for Parents

A film by Mrs Hewitt-Clarkson to explain Equality and Rel Ed @Anderton Park Primary


NATIONAL FRAMEWORK for Penalty Notices fro school Absence.pdf .pdf


If you know that your child is going to be absent from School e.g. Dental, Hospital or Clinical appointments please let the office staff know in advance. Children are expected to attend School every day unless there is a good reason not to. There is no right to leave during term time. Requests will not be considered for any leave during term time. For an illness or unforeseen absence, please let us know the reason for absence as soon as possible.

Unauthorised absences are those for which we do not receive an explanation, or days for which there is not an adequate excuse. Unacceptable excuses for a day off include: going to buy shoes or clothing – getting up late – a day off for the child’s birthday – going to see relatives, term time holidays or visits abroad.

We are required by the Government to monitor all absences and do so every week. If your child is absent then they miss valuable lessons. An average of one day missed each week adds up to one whole school year missed in four years! PLEASE help us to educate your child by ensuring they attend every day.

Children have 13 weeks holiday every year. This is plenty of time to go on holiday and visit family. With effect from 1st September 2013 The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations.


In the case of illness or accident, it is essential that we have a telephone number and address where parents can be contacted quickly. As we need at least two emergency conatcts, we may ask you to supply an additional conatct for a trusted adult that we can call in an emergency. You will be given a form to fill in to supply this information. If you change address or place of employment, please let us know immediately.


Visits form an integral part of the curriculum. A form of consent must be signed for each child, for each visit made. Voluntary contributions towards the cost of the visits which take place wholly in the school day will be sought in accordance with the Charging and Remissions Policy set by the School Governors. Last year visits included London, Camping, Weston-Super-Mare, Think Tank, Black Country Museum. If parents find it difficult to make a contribution towards a visit, then a brief word with the Head teacher is advisable and the School may be able to help.


Sometimes children have minor injuries at school; many of our staff are trained in first aid and will treat them as necessary. If your child has a more serious injury or becomes ill while at school, we will contact you immediately. Therefore it is very important that you provide us with up to date telephone numbers of where you can be contacted throughout the day.

If a child wears glasses or a hearing aid or has any diagnosed allergies it is essential that the school is made aware of this. The school must be informed if there are any changes to your child’s ongoing medical needs.

If your child has asthma and requires an inhaler, please make sure that your child’s inhaler is in school at all times, together with instructions for dosage. Doctors will usually provide you with a spare one to keep in school. It is up to the parent to make sure that the medication is in date and has not run out. In the case of an emergency, i.e. a broken inhaler, the school has adopted use of a school based emergency inhaler. 

Parents are often faced with the dilemma of whether to send their child to School after an illness. If your child is feeling better, and is not contagious, they can return to school. We can administer antibiotics that have a named prescription label, and requires at least 4 doses per day. 

Please consult the School if your child has been suffering from an infectious illness as we have an official list of exclusion periods.  No child should attend school until at least 24 hours after symptoms of vomiting or sickness have ceased.

The Health Service Nurse will see any child who has been referred by the School.  If you want the Nurse to see your child, we can arrange an appointment for you. 


We follow the Birmingham City Council Guidelines. If we feel that any child is at risk then we are obliged to refer the matter to Social Services.


We recognise Anderton Park School as a multi-racial school in a multi-racial community. We aim to ensure that our curriculum and general ethos reflects and values the rich diversity of culture present in our midst. The school is committed to emphasising the common elements and values of our multiple cultures, and aims to provide positive images for our children, regardless of race, gender, background, ability or disability.

We recognise that the effectiveness of our policy depends on the full support of all parents, pupils, governors and staff. Please support our policy at all times.


Workshops are a chance for parents to learn a little more about how to help their children at home, keep parents up to date on any new ideas in school and a chance to work with their child in the classroom with the children.

We are committed to school and families working together to help children make great progress. We talk with parents about ways to continually improve and for new ideas. They also provide opportunities for staff and families to get to know each other better. Relationships are very important to us.


HOMEWORK 2023 - 2024
